Thursday, July 14, 2011

This might be my only post for months. You're welcome.

Hopefully not, but... we saw what happened last time.

I'm not going to make any commentary about life today, but I will say this.  In the summertime, I love crappy reading.  Not that reading is crappy (I'm a reading teacher, it's not in my to say that), but I want the things that I read to be good and crappy.  In other words, no tragic nihilistic explorations of existence, like A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, for me. *Ask my twin sister about that.*  Give me fantasy series and adventure books--even children's books.  For the record, I maintain that Harry Potter is not crappy reading.

Nevertheless, the problem with reading literature that's, shall we say, bottom shelf, is that hinders my own literary development.  So, in addition to reading crappy books this summer, I've taken to reading the next best thing: flash fiction.

This has re-inspired my writing efforts, the first fruits of which are below.  I don't have a title for this yet, but I hope you enjoy.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Please pardon the narcissism of blogging as a practice

Have you ever walked down the street and thought about how much better your life would be with narration?

Of course I'd also want some badass theme music to go along with it, but until Apple invents the invisible floating stereo I'm probably out of luck. (Think about it people: The iAnnoyEveryoneInRange device: it's the next big thing! Even with that working title...)**see footnote

Anyway, until those Apple slackers tow the line, a blog seems as close to narration and theme music as I get. This is my legal disclaimer precluding the event that I have nothing interesting to say (sorry disppointed patrons: I warned you in advance). I'm really only blogging because rumor has it that aspiring writers everywhere are blogging their days away, if only to keep up the discipline. This is my excuse for acting like anyone else cares about the aimless musings of my everyday.

For the sake of anyone still reading, I'll try to keep my musings a-musing at least. (<--Haha, see that?!!! I'm so funny already!!!!!!)

Here goes. As they say: carpe diem!

**forced humor is my forte